Blue Oak BBQ: Grilled Wings
Blue Oak BBQ: Grilled Wings
Visit Blue Oak BBQ and come back here to see my experience making this recipe.
chicken wings 50
water 1 gallon
kosher salt 11⁄4 cups
sugar 1 cup
Blue Oak BBQ's House sauce, or your favorite BBQ sauce 2 cups
Blue Oak BBQ's Sichuan seasoning, or your favorite seasoning 1 cup
honey 1⁄2 cup
corn syrup 2 teaspoons
For delicious grilled chicken wings, start by brining them overnight in the fridge with water, kosher salt and sugar. Next, bring BBQ sauce up to a simmer in a large pot. Once the sauce is warm and simmering, whisk in the Sichuan seasoning until thoroughly dissolved. Stir in the corn syrup and then slowly drizzle in your honey. Stir until mixed well, then cut the heat and cool down the sauce. Preheat the grill to 350°F using Kingsford Charcoal and lightly oil the grill grates. Take the wings out of the brine and throw them on the grill, not touching each other but directly over the heat. Continue to move, flip and rotate the wings around on the grill until cooked, about 20 minutes. The wings are done when a thermometer reads 165°F internally. When cooked, remove the wings from the grill and put onto a plate. Allow the wings to cool to let the skin tighten, and toss them in the sauce. Serve hot. Enjoy your delicious grilled chicken wings!