Community Q: Collard Greens
Community Q: Collard Greens
Visit Atlanta Magazine for the Community Q: Collard Greens Recipe
Check out Community Q and come back to see my experience making this recipe.
¼ pound butter
4 cup onions, small dice
1 cup country ham, medium dice
⅛ cup garlic, minced
⅛ cup salt
6 pounds collard greens, washed and chopped
3 quarts chicken stock
3 cups water
¾ cup sherry vinegar
⅛ cup Red Rooster
⅛ cup garlic, minced
First, I sautéed some onions, country ham, and garlic in butter over medium-low heat. Then I added the collards and stirred everything together. Next, I poured in some chicken stock and water and brought it all to a boil before reducing the heat to a simmer for an hour and a half. After that, I added some sherry vinegar, Red Rooster, and more garlic and let it simmer for another 30 minutes until the greens were tender. Finally, I adjusted the seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. It was a delicious and hearty dish that I'll definitely be making again.