Blues City Cafe: World Famous Ribs
Blues City Cafe: World Famous Ribs
Visit Blues City Cafe and check back here to see my experience making this recipe.
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Two 1 3/4- to 2 1/4-pound rack pork loin back ribs
2 parts chili powder
1 part seasoning salt
Favorite barbecue sauce
First, make sure to clean and trim any excess fat from the rib slabs. Then, season the dry rib racks with a mixture of chili powder and seasoning salt (2 to 1 ratio). Rub the seasoning into the ribs and wrap or place them in air tight containers overnight in the fridge. Next, preheat your smoker or grill to 225 to 300 degrees F and fill the woodbox with hickory wood. Cook the ribs slowly for about 4 hours, or until they are almost falling off the bone. Once the ribs are done, cool them at room temperature for 20 to 30 minutes, then wrap and refrigerate. When you're ready to serve, preheat your oven, grill, or smoker to 225 degrees F. Reheat the unwrapped ribs for 1 hour, and then serve them with your favorite barbecue sauce. Enjoy!