Lyle’s BBQ: Bourbon BBQ Sauce

Lyle’s BBQ: Bourbon BBQ Sauce

Lyle’s BBQ, in Lexington, KY, was featured on season 6 episode 7 of CNBC’s The Profit. It’s worth the watch if you’re interested in hearing about a family run bootstrapped business that ultimately tries to scale to soon. After closing down they are now on the verge of reopening in 2022. Their journey after their appearence on the show can be found on the son’s Chandler Lyle’s Youtube Channel.

On Chandler’s channel he walks through how to make a scaled down version of their Bourbon BBQ Sauce, Lyle’s #1 seller. In the video he offers some great advice so it’s definitely worth the quick watch before you make this sauce. I also liked that he provided ways to match this sauce to your preferred flavor profile by adding sugar or pepper flakes to make it more sweet and or spicy.

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